Maathiyosi invites everyone to signup as a Blood Donor

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Blood Services

How it Works

Whenever we get a call from a person, requiring a particular blood group, we check our database, and try to find blood donor with the same blood group, in an area nearest to the person in need. After that, we pass the contact details of that person to the person in need of blood.

Process of finding a blood donor on Maathiyosi:
Eligibility for donating blood is as follows:
You should not register as a blood donor or donate blood in case of following:
Universal Donors:

At one time, type O negative blood was considered the universal blood donor type. This implied that anyone — regardless of blood type — could receive type O negative blood without risking a transfusion reaction. However, even type O negative blood may have antibodies that cause serious reactions during a transfusion.

Ideally, blood transfusions are done with donated blood that's an exact match for type and Rh factor. Even then, small samples of the recipient's and donor's blood are mixed to check compatibility in a process known as crossmatching. In an emergency, however, type O negative red blood cells may be given to anyone — especially if the situation is life-threatening or the matching blood type is in short supply.

Similarly, the blood group AB- is said to be the universal recipient as it is possible for the person of AB- group to receive blood from any blood group in a condition of extreme emergency and necessity.

Terms & Conditions: